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The 10 Best Things About Kids Going Back to School for Parents

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The 10 Best Things About Kids Going Back to School for Parents

As much as we all love summer, constantly having kids to take care of can wear a parent out! We know you take that guilty sigh of relief when August rolls around; don’t worry, it’s only natural. Here are the top 10 things we love about sending the kiddos back to school.

Sweet, Sweet Silence
Sweet, Sweet Silence
It can be a little eerie without the running, spilling, fighting, complaining sounds that kids make when they’re home all day in the summer. But once you’ve mastered taking advantage of that silence, all the joys of a kidless home can be yours. 
Back to school? More like back to snooze! Can I get an amen? That first middle-of-the-day nap when the kids are hitting the books is unlike anything else in the world. For parents, a nap is a glorious treasure that’s almost impossible to find when tiny people are running around the home or begging to go to the pool in the summer time. 
(Their) Bedtime
(Their) Bedtime
Putting the kids in school means putting them to bed at a set time pretty much every night, and that means your nights are free. So you finally get to spend some time reading a good book before bed, finding a new TV show, or spending quality time with your spouse.
Day Drinking
Day Drinking
Day drinking in the summer is nearly impossible because of all the constant monitoring kids require. But during the school year, after the kids catch the bus, crack open a cold one (or two, or six), sit on the porch, and take in all the wonders of being an adult. Now don’t go crazy, you still have carpool at three!
Eating What YOU Want for Lunch
Eating What YOU Want for Lunch
Ahh, no more going to restaurants that offer chicken nuggets or grilled cheese. Go treat yo’ self to a nice, grown-up lunch however many days a week you want. And (bonus!) you can invite your grown-up friends! Or, you can even buy some fancy ingredients and make your own gourmet lunch in the comfort of your kid-free home.
Shower Hour
Shower Hour
One of the most relaxing things about having a kid-free home five days a week is taking long showers. When you have kiddos to take care of, a shower is nothing more than a necessity, but when they’re not around it becomes a luxury. So hop in there and stay for an hour, or even pour a glass of wine, grab a good book, light a candle, and soak in a steamy bath. 
No Interruptions
No Interruptions
For parents who work from home, the best thing about having no kids around is finally being able to get things done during the day. And for parents who don’t work, say hello to R-rated movies or binge-watching a TV show that doesn’t air on Disney Channel! Either way, you no longer have to pause your important happenings to make snacks or tie shoes. 
Getting Back to the Gym
Getting Back to the Gym
Sure, some gyms offer daycare, but how hard is it to push yourself to your limit knowing you have children to take care of when you’re done? When the kids are in school all day long, you can hit the gym early in the morning and still have time for a power nap before you pick them up. Get that bod back to werk!
Driving Solo
Driving Solo
Your car, your music. Driving without kids is a serious gamechanger. Now, you can play whatever tunes you love—whether that’s old-school rock n’ roll or Beyoncé, nothing needs to be censored for little ears! 
Ditching the Swimsuit
Ditching the Swimsuit

The pool’s fun and all, but constantly wearing a swimsuit as an undergarment gets old. When kids go to school there’s no time to go swimming, so throw that thing in the closet and put on some real underwear! Also, you’ll no longer be haunted by the smell of chlorine when you go to the grocery store.

Author Madelyn Gregg Last Updated: August 19, 2016

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